/    /  Cots and Beds  /  Elena


Трансформира се в 2 комбинации:

комбинация „А“: бюро, диван, комод!
комбинация „Б“: легло, диван, комод!

  • люлеещ се кош с възможност за застопоряване
  • 3 плътни табли на коша
  • подвижна решетка
  • три нива на дъното
  • скрин за повиване с ракла
  • чекмеджета – 6 броя с MDF профил
  • опция за преместване на скрина от двата края на леглото


  • легло – 70/185 см.
  • кош – 70/130 см

Предлагани цветове: бял. антик, бял/син, бял/розов, бял/лилав, бял/зелен, бреза/кафяв, чини, дъб, бял/сив, сахара, северен дъб.

SKU: 013 Category:


It can be transformed into a junior bed and a desk!

Baby bed “Elena” is an unforgettable and magical place for each child. It is an amazing mixture of the latest trends in children’s furniture. With the purchase of baby bed “Elena” you will get comfort, practicality and stunning beauty. The MDF profile used for this model of baby cot, gives irresistible elegance and luxury of the exquisite nursery décor. With baby bed Elena your baby will feel the mother’s gentle care and will sleep soundly and happily. The baby’s cot is designed to be used in the future transformed into a junior bed 180 cm long, together with a desk. When using the removable grid you will easily and effortlessly customize the height of the grate corresponding to the age of your little sweetie. Using the six drawers of the baby bed you will be able to get inside plentitude of baby’s clothes. The combination of bed with the proper bed linen, a wardrobe and a chest will create fabulous beauty, harmony and charm of each nursery and of the child’s room.


  • of the bed – 70/185 cm
  • of the basket – 70/130 cm
  • a rocking basket with a locking mechanism
  • a basket with 2 or 3 solid trays
  • a removable grid
  • a three level bottom
  • a changing dresser with a chest
  • 6 drawers with MDF profile
  • the dresser can be placed at each bed side

Any transformative bed is produced in two combinations!